Beta Program

Apply to access cobalt24 beta.

New Features


We are going to add more platform support, like WebAssembly, Android, Swift bridges, and more.


cobalt24 will introduce many performance improvements, including a better JIT compiler, a new garbage collector, and more.

Extended Standard Library

cobalt24 will introduce a larger standard library with more functions, bridges, and bindings.


Decorators will be introduced allowing you to use @ to add metatables, attributes, or bind to a signal.

Better Types

A typechecker will be added to error if the type doesnt follow a rule instead of just Type Annotations


Variable Refrences, Pointers will be added to cobalt24 allowing a new variable to be created that refrence to the original.

Web development

cobalt24 will add features for Web Development like JSX/TSX React statements, hosting, more networking features, and more.


cobalt24 will allow you to import("rust") then rust.import like in Python to use Rust code in Cobalt and an FFI for Rust will also be added.